The old Lone Tree library building will once again be opening its doors, but this time as a community center as early as May 2017! The city of Lone Tree has teamed up with South Suburban Parks and Recreation to offer multi-generational and enrichment classes and provide meeting space that can be rented to the community. Residents also will be able to order books from Douglas County Libraries online, which can be picked up and dropped off at the center.
Renovations will cost $609,000 and will include a reception desk, a removable wall and an update to meeting rooms. The removable wall is made to divide a large meeting room into two smaller meeting rooms. Construction is scheduled to be completed on April 30, 2017.
Community center hours will be 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. South Suburban classes will be available to participants at the usual South Suburban pricing, but there will be no cost for people to spend time in the building, according to South Suburban's director of recreation programs.